About Me

Hello and welcome. 

I’m Kat, a hairstylist for about 20 years (in the Los Angeles area) turned Nutritional Therapy Practitioner. You and I probably have similar stories. 

When I was about 15, I spent countless hours at the Dr office being told all my labs were normal until I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism. I remember my Dad asking if I’d need medication and the nurse replied, “she’s young, her thyroid should fix itself.” Fast forward many years and many more doctor visits later, my thyroid never fixed itself and I’ve since developed more issues: fatigue, weight gain, gut dysbiosis, and unrestful sleep, just to name a few. My secret passion has always been holistic medicine and I decided to pursue that passion in 2022 after learning that there is always a root cause in our bodies’ dysfunction. After all, this is our body’s way of telling us that our foundations need some love and support. 

Whether you’re at the beginning of your wellness journey or have been at it for awhile, I understand:

-The frustration of being told everything is normal, despite feeling otherwise.

-Feeling lost and unheard at the doctor’s office or even with friends and family.

– Having symptoms that don’t make sense.

I’m here to tell you:

-I hear you and what you’re experiencing is not normal.

-Through foundational support and a nutrient dense diet, you can thrive again.

-Just as your symptoms didn’t happen overnight, healing takes time. It may not be easy, but I’m here to support you.

If you’re ready to go against the grain and get down to the root cause of your issues, let’s work together!